Team WOD 18-01-25
Conditioning Teams of 2 For time : ( 45mim time [...]
Conditioning Teams of 2 For time : ( 45mim time [...]
Strength A) Power snatch 7x1 @90-100% B) Front rack forward [...]
A) Back squat - Speed Every 1:30 for 12 sets [...]
Strength Split jerk 1x1 @85% 4x3 @80% 1x2 @85% Conditioning [...]
Strength Squat clean 1x1 heavier than working sets Then 9x1 [...]
Conditioning Teams of 2 5 Rds for time 800m run [...]
Strength A)Power snatch 1x1 @90% Then 7x2 @75-85% B) Front [...]
Strength A) Back squat - speed Every 1:30 for 12 [...]
Strength Split jerk 1x1 @80% Then 6x3 @75% Conditioning 12 [...]
Strength Squat clean 1x1 @87.5% Then 7x2 @85% Conditioning 20 [...]