WOD 29-06-22


EMOM x 20
1: 2 TGU / half TGU
2: 10 Heavy clean & jerk
3: 20 High plank pull through
4: 10 OH walking lunge / side


EMOM x 20

5 Burpee pull up

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"Working with Edel Fitzpatrick was one of the biggest eye openers I've had in the fitness industry! She has a vast experience and a foundation of knowledge on human kinetics and physiology second to none! Her take no nonsense attitude and positive influence on my training made such a difference to my mentality in terms of what I can achieve physically!! Absolute inspiration and absolute tank ;-) The pleasure (and the pain) was all mine and I'm sad I won't be coached by her again !! :-( World Class! "Michael Tully"