WOD 7-7-14


1 RM Back Squat


5 Rounds

10 Deadlift 100/70

15  T2B

20 Air Squat



Post scores below!!

17 thoughts on ““WOD 7-7-14”

  • sean flannery

    130kg 1RM back squat. 8.50 for the metcon. Last one in CFSligo for a while. See u all later, enjoy the Summer and keep up the good work. Later

  • Steve

    Increased back squat 1RM to 92.5kg ( This crossfit thing must be working !!!). WOD done in 10.41 with 70kg deadlifts.

  • ciara reilly

    55kg squat. Stopped at that because my hip started to hurt. I’m thinking all these injuries/niggles are in my head and I just need to man-up lol!

    Wod in 6.52 using 50kg.

    Really enjoyed today.

    • Feargal

      Yeah, I’m getting sick of your whining… 🙂

      Got up to 95kg for 1RM, happy with that, didn’t find it too bad either so should do better next time. Cameron advised me to use 75/80kg for the WOD, I went with 80 and did it in 11:35 – I had to do single deadlifts for the last round. Should have gone with 75kg!

  • Declan Dixon

    Didnt make it in today so decided to do the Metcon at home, didnt get to try my 1RM squat because I had no access to a rack.

    Did the WOD with 100kg in 18.02 minutes. could have done it faster but found it hard to push myself on my own and the 100kg was very challenging by round 3. noticed myself rounding my back on the first rep of each set of deadlifts, something I clearly need to work on.

    substituted T2B with sit ups

  • Kareem

    First 645am class for a while., I did 1RM front squat (for obvious reasons), got 80 kg. 935 for the workout with 70kg dead lifts and high knees. It’s coming back slowly.

    Have an awesome time in the US Sean! My English will be amazing by the time you come back.

  • admin_crossfitsligo Post author

    Well done to everyone today, some good pb’s in the box,

    From your two proud coaches 😉

    All the best Sean and safe travels!!

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